Paying it forward
Thank you for visiting No Star to Guide Me. This site is run on a commercial-free, not for profit basis. But if you like what you see here, please consider donating to one or both of these charities who specialise in giving people access to free information on health and wellbeing.
Hesperian Health Guides
Hesperian began in 1970s in Mexico with volunteers trying to create culturally appropriate health information for villagers without easily accessible health care. Where There Is No Doctor was the first of many publications that now includes books, apps, visual images, health wikis and fact sheets in multiple languages on a variety of topics in health and development. Please donate here.
BBC Media Action
Working in 28 countries, BBC Media Action reaches an audience of over 200 million people. Their work isn’t just about creating entertaining and engaging radio and television and producing social media and phone services, but also about sharing information on health, development and empowerment and training journalists and communities to produce their own programming. Please donate here.