Here is a list of resources for coping with Coronavirus (COVID19). Each post has links to sources of support and care, most of which are free and many are available in different languages and for diverse age groups.
How to deliver psychological first aid explains how you can care for yourself and other people who are experiencing stress and trauma.
Practical help for you and your community in frightening and dangerous times has advice designed to reassure you and provide practical ideas for looking after your physical and mental health.
This short post will signpost you to places that will help you protect your mental health.
While this post outlines a selection of quick calming techniques.
Advice if you or a friend, relative or neighbour is at risk of domestic abuse.
Finding the positives isn’t easy, but these simple exercises are designed to give you hope.
If you are working outside the home, here’s information from NHS Lothian on arriving safely back each day.
Home Learning and Coronavirus provides ideas for supporting your child/teen’s learning at home while maintaining your own mental wellbeing.
How to support your child during coronavirus has information on ways to answer kids’ questions, reassure them and keep them occupied.
Advice for teens during coronavirus is for teens and young adults to use to care for themselves or for parents supporting teenagers to know where to find help and ideas for self care.
Mental health support for parents and carers during coronavirus has information on looking after your own wellbeing while caring for others.
Health information you can trust can be found via the World Health Organisation and NHS
If you’re in the UK you can find out where there is local support via Covid Mutual Aid.
If you’re on Twitter use the hashtag #COVIDCompanions for daily online meetups, company and kindness.
– Relationships and home working/isolation
– Support and advice for children, teens and adults with special needs
– Addressing fears about finances and food
– Ideas to help families get along and reduce conflict during isolation
– Tips for university students
– Ways to structure your day
– Information for older people who are isolated and anxious
– How to be a good neighbour (and find out about community support)
– Stuff you can do at home so you don’t get bored
– Safety plans.
More resources are being added daily so please keep checking in. If there are questions you want me to answer or information you want me to find please tell me. If you have any resources you to add, please let me know.
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